Wednesday 27 February 2013

My Unusual Experiment with Mobile Phone`s Camera on My Micro Microscope

My Microscopic Slides Display In Animated Form

My Micro Microscope

My Unusual Experiment with Mobile Phone`s Camera on  My Micro Microscope

This Low Cost Beautiful Microscope Manufactured by  Micro Instruments. This Microscope is very low weight  handy can be carry anywhere. Battery Operated Internal Light installed therefore no external light Needed.This Microscope is suitable for any College Level Biology Students. Magnification as good as any other Normal Compound  Microscope.

My Micro Microscope

Specification of This Microscope is Given Below:

Model MM 02

Magnification : 100x, 450x (Using 10x Eye Pc) : 150x, 675x (Using 15x Eye Pc.)

Use its own Light Source (Battery Operated)

Battery : 9V, 6F 22 - One Required

Completely New and Very Special objectives have been used, Patent Technology

Viewing Field Same as Compound Microscope.

Weight Less than 200gms.

Can Be used Day and Night
I Have Taken those Pictures (Given Below) With My LG Mobile Phone having 2 Megapixel Camera On  My Micro Microscope. 

Bacteria-Coccus-Form Overall Distant View

1) Bacteria-Coccus-Form:

Bacteria-Coccus-Form Close View

2) Lung-Mammal:

Mammalian Lung Picture Taken By Me


3) Bone-Mammal:

Bone Picture Taken By Me

4) Small-Intestine-Mammal:

Mammalian Small Intestine Picture Taken By Me


Mammalian Small Intestine Picture From Internet

5) Kidney-Mammal:

Mammalian Kidney Picture taken By Me

Mammalian Kidney Picture from Internet

6) Heart- Mammal:

Mammalian Heart picture Taken By me

7) Pancreas:

Pancreas Picture Taken By Me

Pancreas Picture with its Parts From Internet

1 - acinus
2 - islet of Langerhans
3 - interlobular connective tissue septa
4 - intralobular duct
5 - interlobular duct

8) Blood-Human:

Human Blood Picture Taken By Me

9) Plant Cells:

Plant Cell Picture Taken By Me

10) Monocot- Leaf:

Monocot Leaf Picture Taken By Me

Monocot Leaf Picture with its Part from Internet

11) Monocot-Stem:

Monocot Stem Picture Taken By Me

Monocot Stem Picture with its Parts from Internet

12) Dicot- Leaf:

Dicot Leaf  close Picture taken by Me

Dicot Leaf  Overall Distant Picture taken by Me

Dicot Leaf  Overall Distant Picture with its parts from Internet

1 comment:

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